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landmarks and separators; topic containing about 205 words

There are several factors that can make a location interesting or enjoyable to visit. These factors are known as landmarks.

Common types of landmarks include:

*the topography of the area such as high elevated cliffs or being able to jump into a body of water.

*structures such as buildings and natural or man made caves.

*settlements of people or a diverse ecosystem of wildlife.

*items or people that are interesting or rare.

*barriers around the land providing geographical challenges.

Some landmarks serve as a separator between areas. These landmarks range from doors to high cliffs that are not climbable.

Some separators you have to interact with while others are impossible to pass forcing you to find another way into the area if possible.

You can view some of the landmarks for areas you have previously unlocked by using the world map table.

As you walk around the world, new locations will be unlocked on the table for you to view. If you have a teleporter, you can unlock the ability to travel to each area you discover.

Once you have the teleporter location for that area unlocked assuming one exists, you can use a teleporter to bypass any separators preventing you from entering the area.

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