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To create an account in Survive the Wild, you must have downloaded Survive the Wild. If you have not yet, do so by clicking the "download the game" link at, or by going to which will always redirect you to a working download link for the game.

Note: It is important to be aware of the fact that you are only allowed to own *ONE! user account on Survive the Wild at a time. Each account can hold multiple characters so you can still play the game with many identities at a time, however, all characters you create must be connected to your one user account.

We ask for very little information during the account creation process, accessed using the option in the game's main menu assuming you are not already logged into an account.

Simply provide a username, an email address, and a secure password using the account creation dialog, check the box indicating that you agree to the rules and such, then click create account!

After you create your account, you will need to verify your email address. Do not close the verification screen that opens after the account creation without verifying your email, as this may result in the email address being taken without the account having been verified, until our system deletes the partially created account hours later where you can then try again.

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