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In several situations, you may need to verify your account ownership before making certain changes. Usually, this happens if you forget a password, or set a new account email address.

In all situations requiring verification, Survive the Wild will send a 7 character code to the email address on file for your account.

*NEVER! give these codes to any player or person who asks for them, as staff will absolutely never do so! At the same time, a small dialog will pop up in the game which asks you for this code.

The email sent by the game will contain information describing why it was sent, and any additional details that may help you take action if you ever receive an email from the Survive the Wild system that you do not expect.

Simply check your email, including your spam folder if necessary, and paste the 7 character code exactly as it appears in the email you received into the text field in the game which asks for it. This may be part of a larger form with more fields, for example text inputs allowing you to set a new password assuming the entered verification code is correct.

If you do not receive an email from The Survive the Wild System when you expect to receive one, please first check your spam folder, then open a support ticket or contact an administrator (preferably including your account codeword) so we can help!

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