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The account main menu is not only how you select a character to play as, but also how you create or import characters as well as changing your account email address and other settings.

To access the account main menu, simply click login to your account from the game's main menu. The account main menu is displayed first thing when you log into your account, so long as you do not use the "play as character" shortcut to connect.

You will know you've entered the account main menu because the game will ask you to either select a character to connect as, or select another option. In this case, as with any other menu, you can use the arrow keys to scroll between options, enter to select the one you're focused on, and escape to disconnect from your account and return to the game's main menu.

First, assuming you have them, you will see a menu option for every one of your characters at the top of the account main menu. Clicking on one of them will log you in as the character you've just clicked on. If you click on a character containing the (locked) indicator however, you will need to enter that character's password before you can log in.

Below your list of characters, or at the top of the account main menu if you have none, you'll see options that allow you to either create or import a character. Create a character if you know you do not already own one, or import a character if you are trying to link an already existing but unlinked character to your account that you know the login information to. Note that these options may disappear or become disabled if your account does not currently meet the conditions required for new characters to be created. For example if you have over 3 free characters, these options may disappear until you make one of them paid.

Following the character creation and import options, you will see options that allow you to change your account's email address or password. When changing the email address, email verification is required on both the old and the new email address you want to change to.

And finally the last 2 options in the menu are log out, and disconnect. Both return to the main menu, however while disconnecting is the exact same as pressing escape, logging out will insure that the client no longer remembers any account login info, causing you to need to reenter it.

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