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game license agreement; topic containing about 247 words

terms used:

*Sam Tupy Productions: the creator of this software

*This software: Survive the Wild and/or any and all included components created by Sam Tupy Productions.

By playing survive the wild, you agree to this license and all terms set out herein; if you do not agree to this license, please immediately delete or destroy any copies of this software that you may own.

You are not allowed (under any circumstances) to:

*reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, decrypt, or debug any portion of this software's binaries or other files,

*attempt to gain access to or use any assets in this software without express permission from Sam Tupy Productions,

*claim any part of this software including any of it's assets as your own for any reason without express permission from Sam Tupy Productions,

*use this software without agreeing to this licence or any other rules this software may contain,

*or distribute this software in all but it's original format, this means any file downloaded from

If you have received any assets that are part of this software, decrypted/unpacked or otherwise, by any means or from any person, the above terms still apply regardless of weather you own a complete copy of this software or not.

This software is provided 'as is', without any warranty whatsoever: you agree that Sam Tupy Productions and or any survive the wild staff members cannot be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, which may result from the use of this software.

Failure to abide by these terms could result in legal repercussions!

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