Online help

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navigation gestures; topic containing about 257 words

game keyboard area:

*r: sit or stand.

*arrow keys (up right down left): move forward, right, backward, or left respectively.

*page up and page down: climb up or down respectively when available.

*Control space: jump up when available.

*shift enter: move between maps. Note this command will be deprecated in the future and also is not widely used.

*g+(arrows or page keys): use camera.

*space (while using camera): move the point of view to the camera's position.

*control+r: cycle between radar modes.

*shift + left/right: turn 45 degrees.

*shift + up/down: turn 180 degrees.

*shift + control + left/right: turn 1 degree, hold to move quickly.

*alt + left/right: turn 1 degree.

*f: check the position of the sun.

*x: enable/disable auto walking. This determines if holding the arrow keys causes you to move continuously. This does not apply for climbing.

*dash: move to the previous tracking object in the selected near by list. Similar to pressing up arrow.

*equals: move to the next tracking object in the selected near by list. Similar to pressing down arrow.

*shift + dash: switches to the previous category in the near by list. Similar to pressing left arrow.

*shift + equals: switches to the next category in the near by list. Similar to pressing right arrow.

*z: toggle if zones are spoken. When enabled, your screen reader will announce areas as you enter them.

*backspace: starts tracking the tracking object in focus. It can be everything in tracking list.

*shift backspace: stops tracking

*w: reports the position of tracked object.

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