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tips for combat with players; topic containing about 187 words

Here are a few things you should know before getting yourself into a fight with another player.

First, in order to attack other players, you must have your pk turned on, and the other player you are attacking must also have their pk on.

You can find if a player has pk on by pressing p when they are near you. If they have pk on, you will hear the pk flag spoken before their name.

You can also tell if they have pk on by pressing control+3 in the online players menu, or shift+3 in the nearby list.

Finally, you can type /listpk into the chat box which will list all of the players who have pk enabled.

Like animals, it can help to have your lock indicator for players on, and track the player you are fighting. See the category on tracking for more details.

Also note that if when you press p to hear nearby players, a player has the supernatural flag before their name, the player likely has at least 1 death free card, meaning it will be harder to actually kill them.

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