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Fishing is a great early-game way of getting food. You only need two items, a fishing pole and a lure. You can find how to craft these items in the respective crafting topics.

The first step to going fishing is to find a water source. Most places with water tiles will work, however there are a few exceptions such as the rocky spring. Some common places you might go are the stream or the pond on the main land.

Next, you need to attach your lure to your fishing pole. Do this by combining lure with fishing pole.

Now stand a few tiles back from the water source and press t with a fishing pole in one hand and the other hand empty. Your line will go out ten tiles in front of you, so make sure it lands in the water.

After a few seconds, you will start to hear splashing at the location of your line. This means there is a fish on your line. But wait, you can't reel when you hear this sound. The sound you really want to hear is a metallic scraping sound. When you hear this, the fish is secure and you can start reeling with the t key.

Continue to real until you hear a click sound. Then put your knife in your empty hand and press t to cut off the fish. Now you will have a captured fish in your inventory. Congradulations!

Sometimes when you try to catch a fish, your line will break. To fix it, simply combine the broken fishing pole with string.

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