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Trees are your main source of wood and branches. They can be found in various areas, generally forests, or near the pond on the mainland.

Getting info about a tree

When you are on a tree in the objects list, you can use the number keys to check how damaged it is, how many branches are on it, and what grows on that specific tree. This is helpful for example, when you want to know how close you are to cutting down a tree.

Gathering Branches

To gather branches, you will first need to find a tree. You can do this from the objects menu. When you have reached the tree, you can climb up a few tiles, then use your camera to look around the edges of the tree. You are looking for a branch tile that is jutting out from the tree.

When you have found one, move to it, and make sure you are facing it. Then grab your weapon of choice, or use your hand. Either way, have what you are using drawn, and press space. If you are using your empty hand, you will start to shake the branch. If you are using a weapon, you will hit it.

Continue to hit space until the branch breaks off. Then climb down and collect the large tree branch from the ground.

Continue to do this until you have enough large tree branches for what you are doing.

Finally, combine those large tree branches with the small handsaw to cut them into normal branches.

Cutting Down A Tree

To cut down a tree, simply stand in front of it and draw your tool of choice. It is recommended that you use the small hand saw if you are new to the game, or an axe if you have crafted one. Simply draw the tool and start pressing space to swing it at the tree.

The taller the tree, the more it will take to fall down, so just have patience, and that tree will fall before you know it.

Actually getting the wood

Just cutting down the tree is not enough to get the wood. You then have to approach the fallen tree, which can be located in the objects menu, and continue to use your saw or axe to chop the tree into pieces of wood. Every few hits, a few pieces of wood will come off the tree, and you can then press enter to pick them up.


You can use just about anything that does damage to cut down a tree, however slashing weapons are going to be most effective.

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