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Stw is a game that supports role-play. While most of you out there know what this is, I will go ahead and give a little explanation of it. Role-play is basically the difference between real life, and a game. There is two things. In character is your character in game, while out of character is real life.

In character, you wouldn't talk about real life in any capacity, only things that happen within the game or the imagination you and your friends have created within the game. For example, in character you would not ask a staff member for help, because there is no staff in the wild who control wilderness. However out of character, there is a problem that you need help with, so you ask someone on the staff team who has access to more resources and functions than you.

It is important to understand that insults and harsh humor is allowed in character with those who you know, but not out of character under any circumstance. In character is an environment you and your friends have created who understand each other, whereas out of character is meant to engage with the real people sitting in front of their screens.

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