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character overview; topic containing about 296 words

Your character has several stats that you must keep an eye on to stay alive.

*health (h): In most areas, this stat increases over time. When you take damage, you will heal automatically. There are items you can use to speed up the healing process.

If your health reaches 0, you will die.

*energy (e): this stat decreases when you are doing activities, and increases when you are idle or asleep. There are items you can use to speed up the resting process.

Stamina is how fast your character can perform activities, energy is how fast your stamina drains, and supplemented energy temporarily preserves your main energy. Supplemented energy will drain faster when sleeping.

You will not die from low energy. However the lower it gets, the more time you will spend sleeping to recover.

*hunger (u): this stat increases over time.

If your hunger reaches 1000, you will die.

*thirst (s): this stat increases over time. The hotter the temperature, the faster your thirst rises.

If your thirst reaches 1000, you will die.

*dirty and wet (o): dirtiness increases over time on land, wetness increases over time in water.

If you stay dirty for too long, there is a chance your character can become sick.

*weather (o): this stat is based on the current area and your clothing. When you are too hot or cold, you will have short moments of paralysis.

If you stay in extreme temperatures for too long without the proper clothing, you will die.

*bones (o): based on your clothing, you have a chance of breaking bones from falling off a ledge, animal attacks, and other injuries. Broken bones prevent you from moving quickly and require medical items to heal. Sleeping drastically speeds up the healing process.

If you have too many broken bones or you continue making the injuries worse by walking, you will die.

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