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Support tickets are for reporting any issues you face as a player that do not fall under bugs or suggestions. A support ticket allows you and some stw staff members to communicate without both parties having to be online at once.

When you open a ticket, staff will most likely ask you to provide more details on the issue, and reach a conclusion with your situation once a majority of staff have agreed on the resolution if any.

For privacy reasons you are not able to see the names of the staff who have replied in your ticket. However other staff are able to see this, so we will know if a staff member is being unfair or encouraging inappropriate behaviors.

Here are the possible ticket states and what they mean:

*opened and awaiting review:

you have submitted a ticket, but no one has seen it yet.

*Administrators are aware of this ticket and will begin finding a resolution as soon as possible:

someone or multiple people have read it, but have not replied. This is usually due to needing time to think of how to handle the situation or what questions to ask you.

*Administrators are aware of this ticket and are working on a resolution:

Staff have started communication with you and most likeley asked you to provide more details.

*waiting further communication (see messages):

Staff are waiting for a response from you.


A majority of staff have agreed to take some kind of action on the situation, the ticket ends here.


A majority of staff have agreed not to take any kind of action on the situation, the ticket ends here.

You can view the status and full conversation of your ticket at anytime, as well as export it to the clipboard. Staff may change the ticket status without any reply if necessary, but generally communication is encouraged.

Resolved and closed tickets can be reopened by staff if further discussion or action is required after the initial conclusion. All tickets permanently remain in the system for both parties.

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