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Chat commands are used to get information and perform functions that are not available through any user interfaces. They are mainly used by administrators for all types of situations, but normal players can use them too.

To use chat commands, first press forward slash to enter the radio chat then in the message field type a second slash followed by the command name and supported parameters if any. This works even if you do not have a radio or your character is asleep.

Chat command example:


This is very similar to a command line or terminal program if you have ever used one before. The command name is a function and the arguments are either required or have default values.

Most commands do not have a specific syntax, but parameters are always separated by a space. For this reason, parameters that allow multiple words are always last.

You can also chain chat commands into one big command.

Multi command example:



/reply There are 2 admins who are active right now. They can help you with your problem.

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