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The inventory is the place where you store all the items you find, craft,, and buy. Using the inventory, you can select items for use or crafting other items.

Just like in real life, your character has 2 hands. Some tasks require only one hand, while others require both.

To open your inventory, press i. Note that you can not open your inventory when sleeping, in the air, or underwater.

In order to sort your inventory to your desired configuration, hold the alt key on your computer and press the up or down arrow to move items around.

Home and End keys also work to move your desired item from the first item in your inventory to the final item in your inventory.

Tab and Shift-Tab, that's holding down the shift key and pressing tab, will display different categories of items organized by type of item in order to ensure a more streamlined organizational experience.

To go back to the full inventory category showing all of your items regardless of type, tab around until you hear entire inventory and it will be as it is by default.

Additionally, you can use control with the grav through equals keys to switch categories. You can also use control shift and these keys to access even more categories. Pressing control plus grav or back quote will always return you to entire inventory.

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