Online help

search help:

sorting the inventory; topic containing about 118 words

There are several different ways to find items quickly. You can also move items around for more personalization.

*alt plus up/down: move item up or down.

*alt plus home/end: move item to the top or bottom.

*tab/shifft tab: cycle through supported categories.

*control plus grave accent; 1 through 0; dash; equals; (add shift for more): jump to a specific category.

*alt space: temporarily sort normally, alphabetically, or by item quantities. All criteria support ascending and descending order.

Available item categories:

all, packaged items, survival gear, clothing items, tools, food and drinks, unprepared food and drinks, dead animals, natural resources, man made resources, weapons and ammo, travel items, medical items, currency, quest items, paid items, gifts, cassettes, shelters, entertainment, misc, event related, addictives, corpses, notes, unsorted

Topic keywords

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