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event buffers; topic containing about 372 words

There are a lot of different notifications you can receive while playing Survive the Wild. Whether a player goes offline, someone sends a message, a friend adds you to a group chat, a player untrusts you or any number of other events, it's all far too much to remember at once.

For this reason, most events or notifications you receive on the game are stored until you disconnect in what we call event buffers (or buffers for short).

In short, event buffers are just a bunch of named lists containing categorized events. An event just consists of a bit of text that was spoken by your screen reader, and a timestamp indicating when the event took place.

To move between different event buffers, you use the cama and period keys. Shift+comma or shift+period moves to the first and last buffers respectively.

Once you've selected a buffer, use the left and right bracket keys to scroll between the items in that buffer. If you hear a small click sound along with a spoken event or buffer name for that matter, you've reached the first or last item that can be selected. shift+left and right brackets will scroll to either the first or last buffer item respectively.

If you hold in control while using the brackets to scroll through events in the currently selected buffer, timestamps will be announced with each event that is spoken.

If you press control+shift+e, the contents of the currently selected buffer, in it's entirety, will be exported to your clipboard.

A note on combined buffers: Sometimes, one event buffer may show items from multiple event buffers at a time. In this case, the only example of this is the all buffer, which causes left and right bracket to scroll through every event in the game rather than, for example, the radio buffer which only lets you scroll through radio messages. In the future, you will be able to create custom combined buffers. For now, if you are seeing more events than you'd like, insure that you have not selected the all buffer with comma and period. Inversely, if you can't find an event you're sure should be there, make sure you haven't selected a buffer that filters that event.

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