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moving around in the world; topic containing about 214 words

*r: sit or stand.

*arrow keys (up right down left): move forward, right, backward, or left respectively.

Note that arrows do not have a set direction, for example up does not always equal north.

*x: toggle auto walking. This determines if holding the arrow keys causes you to move continuously. This does not apply for climbing.

*page up and page down: climb up or down respectively when available.

In certain cases, climbing will not be necessary. If you walk in a direction and there is a tile in that direction but one tile up or down from you, you will automatically climb to that tile. It is essentially like climbing a hill.

*Control space: jump up when available. The default maximum is 6 tiles, but the type of tile can effect this.

*shift enter: move between maps. Note this command will be deprecated in the future.

You should sit down whenever you are not walking around. This conserves your energy and ensures you do not accidentally move when using your inventory or camera.

However sometimes you may wish to stay standing, as sitting down for too long will put your character to sleep. If you have low energy, sometimes you may want to wait for your character to fall asleep before continuing to play.

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