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using and crafting items; topic containing about 311 words

There are 2 ways to interact with items in your hands. You can either use them, or combine them also known as crafting.

You will need to become familiar with a few gestures. These are some of the most commonly used gestures in the game aside from movement.

*1/2: select the item in your left or right hand. This does not preform an action, it only focuses the item to be used.

To put an item back into your inventory, select that hand and select it again to confirm. Think of it as first grabbing the item, then setting the item back down.

*3: check what items are in your hands and what item you are currently using.

You can have 2 items in your hands but still use the previous item if you haven't selected any of the new items in your hands. For example you stop using your water bottle and replace that hand with a hammer. You are still able to use your water bottle until you select a hand.

*grave accent (back quote): get item info.

The info given is dependent on the item. For example water bottles tell you how much water is stored in them, while clothing tells you the size, temperature, and other attributes.

*space: use selected item.

*alt space: alternately use selected item.

*t: combine the 2 items in your hands.

*alt t: alternately combine the 2 items in your hands.

Some items such as ammunition and clothing will disappear from your inventory while they are in use. Press control + i to access the items physically on your person.

If a hand does not have an item, that is called an empty hand. If you try to use an item and nothing happens, try combining it with an empty hand.

Crafting does not require either hand to be selected. When you craft something, you empty your hands and the new item is placed in your inventory.

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