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chat conversations list (alt+c); topic containing about 313 words

The chat conversations list, accessed with alt+c from the game keyboard area, is how you select a chat conversation to send messages in. Though several shortcuts are available to chat faster (such as the backslash key selecting the out of character conversation and dropping you in the message field), this is how conversations are manually selected and controlled.

As in any list, you focus on an item in the list with the up and down arrow keys, and you select it with enter. In this case, each item in the chat conversations list is a different conversation. There are 3 conversations that are static and that cannot be removed, these are out of character (send to the OOC chat), radio (send using the radio item), and say (speak using tts).

If you join any group chats or start a private message conversation with a player, those conversations will also appear here.

Pressing enter on any conversation when focused on it will cause that conversation to become active. This means that when you send messages, they will be sent in the conversation you just selected, the message history list will show messages from the conversation you just activated, and if you select a muted group chat, you will begin receiving message notifications in that group chat until you select another conversation.

You can also press control+c to export the history of the conversation currently in focus to the clipboard, control+m to toggle the mute on the focused conversation if supported (group chats only for now), and you can press control+delete on a group chat or pm conversation to delete it from the chat conversations list, note that pressing control+delete on a group will cause you to leave the given group as well.

Tip: You can also press control+1 through 9 in the game keyboard area to select and begin messaging in any custom conversations.

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