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enter message text field (alt+m); topic containing about 423 words

The enter message text field, accessed in various ways from the game keyboard area (including alt+m (current conversation), slash (radio), backslash (ooc), control+1 through control+9 (custom conversations) and more), allows you to send messages in the currently selected conversation.

The basic concept is quite simple, simply press the chatting shortcut that selects your desired conversation and opens this field, type a message in it, and hit enter to send it.

Several notes though:

*There is no message send button, pressing enter while in this field always performs the send message action, usually sending the message to the server and clearing the message field.

*This text field is multiline. If you wish, you can insert a new line into your message by pressing either control+enter or shift+enter. Make sure not to simply press enter in this case as you will send your message prematurely!

*You can press page up and down while focused in this field to prefill it with previous messages you've sent to the currently selected conversation. Note that if you've typed a partial message into this field and then press page up, that partial message will probably be permanently lost as it will have been replaced with a previous message.

*Messaging in Survive the Wild has spam protection, trying to send messages too quickly could result in a temporary error. Try writing messages like "hi, how are you", not 2 messages one saying "hi" and the other saying "how are you" one right after another. In general though this should only seriously effect anyone attempting to genuinely spam.

*Different conversations in Survive the Wild have different maximum character lengths. If your message gets too long and you try to send it, you will be notified.

*Make sure you've selected the correct conversation before sending a message! Mostly, only access this field with tab / alt+m if you are sure that the desired conversation is already selected, or else you could send messages to the wrong people! Usually, it's best to use one of the chatting shortcut keys such as backslash (for ooc), slash (for radio), shift+y (for say), and ctrl+numbers (for custom conversations) from the game keyboard area to access this field. Such shortcut keys automatically insure that the desired conversation (mapped to the shortcut key that was pressed) is selected before focusing you in the message field. Furthermore, when using such a shortcut you are returned immediately to the game keyboard area after sending a message, where as you will remain in the message field after sending a message if you've accessed the field with tab or alt+m.

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