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game keyboard area (alt+g); topic containing about 191 words

In the main screen, the game keyboard area is the control element that allows you to pass most keystrokes directly through to the game, rather than, for example, to a dialog control.

When you first log in, you will be automatically focused on this game keyboard area. It shows up in the list of dialog elements you can access with the tab key, and from anywhere in the game's main screen, you can access it with alt+g.

You can assume that unless otherwise noted, most keyboard actions or keystrokes described throughout the game's documentation are to take place while you are focused in the game keyboard area.

For example, if you press the up and down arrow keys while focused on the game keyboard area, your character will walk. But if you are focused in the online players list, pressing those keys will simply scroll through that list, while most other keyboard keys other than designated interface shortcuts will do nothing.

To learn of all keystrokes and features that work while focused in the game keyboard area, it is recommended that you browse the "keyboard area" help category for more information.

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