Online help

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options menu list (alt+o); topic containing about 324 words

The options list, accessed from the game keyboard area with alt+o or by various shortcut keys that open specific menus (such as control+h for help), is basically the menu system that lets you access the various non-time-sensitive functions of the Survive the Wild server. Up and down arrows scroll through options in the current menu, enter or right arrow selects an option, and escape/left arrow goes back to the previous menu while escape in particular returns you to the keyboard area if pressed while in the main options list. From this menu structure, you can do any of the following and more:

*change or create new game language

*read and search the game's help documentation library

*view and accept quests

*view the players you have blocked or who have blocked you

*view and manage which players you trust and who trusts you

*track areas on the main map that you have previously explored

*manage your account and characters

*purchase items from the stw points store

*purchase items from the stw credits store

*toggle your pk on or off. If you are a new player, it is strongly advised that you leave this option alone.

*join pk arenas where you can fight other players

*allow someone to add you to a group chat

*view recent changes

*view recent announcements

*view game rules

*view credits for assets and other parts of stw that help make the game what it has become

*support and contact stw staff

And sometimes...

*disable newbie flag

*view info or interact with certain quests you've accepted

game keyboard area shortcuts:

*control+shift+l: game language menu

*control+h: help documentation library

*control+shift+h: search the help documentation library

*control+q: quests menu

*control+shift+m: mutes menu

*control+t: trusts menu

*control+m: world map table

*control+c: character and account menu

*control+p: stw points store

*control+s: stw credits store

*control+a: pk arenas menu

*control+shift+g: allow yourself to be added to a group chat

*control+shift+a: announcements menu

*control+shift+s: support and contact menu

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