Online help

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online players list (alt+p); topic containing about 326 words

The online players list, accessed from the game keyboard area by pressing alt+p or f6, is a list of every player that is currently connected to the game.

The difference between pressing alt+p and f6 is that while the players list stays open after an action is performed on a player when you use alt+p, you are immediately returned to the keyboard area after performing an action on a player when you access the list with f6. This way you can use f6 when you want to do something once like watch a player, but then you can also use alt+p to keep the menu open, for example to check the chat language of many players quickly. In either case, pressing escape in the online players list will return you to the game keyboard area.

To select a player from this list once you are focused in it, either scroll to the desired name with the up and down arrow keys, or you can type the first couple of letters of someone's name to focus on players starting with the given input, as in any multi-letter navigation system.

Once you are focused on a player, you can interact with them or retrieve info on them using various keystrokes. Pressing enter on a player's name brings up a little popup menu containing a list of all possible shortcut keys that work here. Pressing enter on any of the actions performs that action while pressing escape closes the popup menu.

For convenience, here is a list of all available shortcut keys at the time of writing:

copy name to clipboard (control+c)

change voice chat volume for this player (control+v)

check players current location (control+w)

trust this player (control+t)

untrust this player (control+shift+t)

mute this player (control+m)

unmute this player (control+shift+m)

watch this player (control+l)

private message this player (control+p)

create a group chat with this player (control+g)

speak player status (control+s)

show player status (control+shift+s)

check chat language (control+1)

check total playing time (control+2)

check pk status (control+3)

check paid status (control+4)

check rank (control+5)

check who can watch (control+6)

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There are currently 37 players online

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